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The Parashah Project

The Parashah Project is a way to experience the scriptures holistically, accessibly, and in unison with the global Jewish community. Over the course of a year, students of the scriptures will be able to ingest fresh, insightful, and bite-sized study content, broken into weekly portions and daily readings. But the power of this project comes from using these devotionals as supplemental reading to enhance, rather than replace, your Bible reading.

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The Torah—the Pentateuch—is portioned out by the ancient lectionary—the Parshiot—into 54 reading sections each year, and each Parashah (i.e., portion) is further subdivided into eight readings—one for each day plus a concluding passage. The 7 +1 pattern richly expresses the patterns of completion and renewal. The Parashah Project reorganizes the daily readings to allow additional space for readings from the prophets and from the Apostolic writings, chosen for their consonance with the Torah portion. 

  • Four days out of each week, Sunday through Wednesday, are dedicated to the readings from the Torah, two traditional readings per day. 

  • The fifth day of the week, Thursday, is dedicated to the readings from the Prophets.

  • The sixth day of the week, Friday, is dedicated to the readings from the Apostolic writings. 

  • And the seventh day is the day of rest.

  • Depending on the year, certain weeks will include a double portion.

The reading cycle corresponds to the Jewish rhythm of beginning in Genesis 1 and follows in sync with the way the global Jewish community is reading and has read the scriptures for centuries.

The content is designed to encourage further study and trace thematic threads through the entirety of the Bible. Those who use the study tool regularly will begin to see those threads stitching disparate parts of the scriptures together in beautiful ways, and will become attuned to the transformative, historical current of textual experience that has been given to us in the Parshiot (plural of parashah).